ESPN Comes To Skip Bayless’ Defense After He Calls Johnny Manziel An Alcoholic

Last week, ESPN rabble-rouser Skip Bayless blasted Johnny Manziel on First Take, saying the quarterback had “alcohol problems” and “partied too hard” among other things. The quote got picked up everywhere, including here, because accusing someone of being an alcoholic without personal knowledge is just flat-out disgusting.

ESPN of course was really upset that Bayless said something inflammatory and unprofessional…nah, just kidding, they totally defended him.

Here’s an excerpt of Richard Deitsch’s media column on SI:

“When discussing the widely reported public behavior, Skip based his comments on information he has from sources within and around the Browns’ organization with knowledge of Manziel’s continued pattern of behavior, as well as Skip’s personal family experiences with alcoholism.”

Things I learned today:

1) Skip Bayless is a doctor
2) Skip Bayless is a trained psychologist/counselor
3) Skip Bayless doesn’t live by any set of rules
4) Skip Bayless can basically say whatever he wants without fear of punishment

Hypothetically speaking, if Bayless did have “personal knowledge” of Manziel’s alcoholism, and he thought it was a serious issue, why would he discuss it so openly on TV?

Or, as Chris Littman of Sporting News says, why/how is that appropriate?

Good question.