Morrissey Was Really Happy To Hear That A Bullfighter In Mexico Was Gored By A Bull

Morrissey Performs At Hollywood High School With Kristeen Young
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You have to give Morrissey some credit. Where many of his fellow rockers from that time period have faded into obscurity, from his massive fan base to his reputation for being outspoken, he never manages to go away. A big part of this has to do with the blog he keeps and just how honest he is with his fans on said blog, True To You.

In a recent tirade, the singer spoke out against bullfighting, pointing out how cruel and unfair it is to the animal. He also brought up the recent goring of matador Karla de los Angeles, and had some rather stinging things to add:

The lack of moral heroism from Karla de los Angeles and her co-killers Hilda Tenorio and Lupita Lopez represents the very worst aspects of Mexican life, and for 2015 I wish all three women the very worst, for the very worst is their rightful due.

So I guess when he was singing “Please Please Please, Let Me Get What I Want,” he was implying he wanted to see some matadors get brutally messed up in a bullfighting match. It may have taken some time, but it looks like he finally got what he wanted. Karma takes patience, I guess.

H/T to NME