War Machine Might Have Found Religion But Still Blames Christy Mack For His Troubles

When we last checked in on War “Jon Koppenhaver” Machine, he had just read some physics books and wanted to see if babies could be taught to phase through walls. Now, a friend (?) of his has started a clothing company called Free War Machine that boasts a “Sick ass shirt that just happens to also support War Machine.”

If I was more of a troglodyte, I would be really impressed with the way the Alpha Male Shit concept was incorporated. Anyway, the person that runs Free War Machine has put forth this statement:

Jon has been a close personal friend of mine for many years and I have known him as many things; never as the monster he is being portrayed as by the media. I am not saying that he is an angel, actually, he is far from innocent in more ways than one, but aren’t we all? What I know is that he is NOT guilty of attempted murder or any other charges they are trying to cook up to give him a life sentence.

Ok, friend of Machine, nobody is perfect, and yeah, he’s only been charged with crimes, a conviction hasn’t happend yet, but this is a dude with both misdemeanor and felony assault convictions on his record. Meanwhile, War Machine has got hold of the “twitter machine” again, and he’s been reading some new books:

Where to begin? It’s sad to say that I am 1000 times more embarrassed of what I’m about to tell you, than I am of being accused of the crimes that have landed me in jail. It’s a testament to how screwed up my way of thinking is, as well as to how screwed up our society has become. At first I blamed this whole situation on Christy and that guy. Then I blamed my bad luck. Then I blamed my bad karma. Then I blamed myself. Then I blamed steroids. Then I blamed the programming job done to my subconscious mind… A product of a traumatic childhood and a poor choice of role models. One of them has to be the culprit, there must be some reason that, though I always have the best of intentions, I keep landing myself in huge messes. And why am I so restless, why am I never satisfied?

So he blames himself fourth down the line, but then realizes that he can’t be at fault, so Jon looks for more scapegoats.

I find a reason to be unhappy, a reason to sabotage it. A few blogs ago I wrote about the letter from my grandfather; his letter, and my response to it, broke my heart all over again. I began that blog with a quote of my own: “The good times only count while things are well; once things turn bad they only serve as specters – which torment you in the night.” I think that must be the most horrible thing that any man has ever said. In both my blog and my letter back to my grandpa I compared my situation; losing the woman whom I loved when I found her in bed with another man, to my grandpa losing my grandmother to cancer after decades of happy marriage – saying that i’m better off – less good memories to be haunted by. I said that there are no good endings, all things end poorly. In the letter to my grandpa I said that our only hope is in the possibility of “heaven”. That while only a fool could honestly believe in religion or God, there may still be an afterlife. For days after that I was depressed beyond words, I mean if all things end horribly and memories are only there to add to the pain – why live at all? What type of life can you live while always believing that for every good time you experience the memory of it will be back to torment you countless times?

“Yeah, gramps, sucks you lost grandma, at least I’m better off since I didn’t have to see Christy wither and die as tumors engulfed her body over a number of years.”

The day after I received my grandpa’s letter I received a book titled “The Case For a Creator”, I’m not sure who sent it, normally I get a receipt, but not this time. I set it aside uninterested. “Coincidentally”, while chatting with my neighbor in the air vent that night, he asked me if I was religious. I proceeded to tell him about how all of that is garbage; I brought up the ancient holiday of Ishtar, the Nag Hammadi, scrolls, the Council of Nicaea, etc. 2 days later I found myself bored to death and out of “good” books and for the first time I picked up the book about the “Creator.” On the back cover I learned that it was all about science (my favorite subject): Darwinism, DNA, subatomic particles, consciousness, etc. Now that I realized it was more about intelligent design and a nameless God, I started to read it. I finished it in 24 hours. It was great, full of facts that are impossible to argue against.

I think it’s pretty obvious that War Machine gets swayed by whatever the most recent thing he’s read is about. If he watches The Matrix, his next post will be a lament that his misfortunes are a result of the simulation the machines have created for him.

The same night I told my neighbor about the “Case For a Creator” book, “you mean ‘The Case For Christ’?” “Nah man, creator.” “Who wrote it?” “Strobel.” “Oh, cool, let me borrow it, I have the Christ one.” What were the odds? After tearing into his beliefs about Jesus days earlier, it was awkward to tell him to let me read it, but I did. I finished it in 2 days. I have to admit that I believe that it requires more “faith” to believe that Jesus wasn’t what they claim he was, than to believe that he was. I’m embarrassed to only have believed him now, when my life is in such turmoil, I feel that it makes me “weak”, that I am abandoning “reason” only in desperation, but that’s not what it is. Besides the overwhelming evidence in the books, there are all the “coincidences” in the days surrounding this, as well as my life’s history. Why, when I am truly a good, loving, person and honestly try to keep my nose clean, do things keep coming out from left field and blindsiding me? Could it not be God saying, “Wake up dummy! I’m not gonna let you live this ‘war machine’ ego up and allow you to be happy until you learn to love me, the one who made you!” If I were following Jesus would any of my trouble have ever happened? If I didn’t first break Christy’s heart through my own selfishness, would she have done what she did? Before her, would I have grown restless with my perfect wife, if I wasn’t living for ME, and instead living for Jesus? A few blogs back I wrote about Genghis Kahn and asked -WWGD – I’ve asked that too much in life. If I had asked WWJD I’d be happy and free…

And in fine War Machine fashion, he’s back to blaming Christy Mack for his troubles, but it’s only because he was selfish due to not living his life for Jesus, I guess?