David Duchovny Really Wants To Return To ‘Twin Peaks’ As DEA Agent Denise Bryson

First there were talks of David Duchovny’s return as Fox Mulder in the possible X-Files reboot series. Now, Duchovny has his sights set on Twin Peaks. The actor recently spoke with the Los Angeles Times and when the topic hit, he expressed hope in revisiting the role of DEA agent Denise Bryson.

Seems like it. I would bet on it if I were you. I think “Twin Peaks” is happening for sure. I hope my character comes back, I think she does. And then “X-Files” — Fox made some kind of shadowy announcement last week. Certainly, something’s happening. Something’s brewing. It’s like the Eagles’ greatest hits tour … by me.

David Duchovny has been keeping himself rather busy since Californication ended its 7 season run. He will be starring in the new NBC series Aquarius later this year and just penned his first novel. With the speculation of his return to X-Files, the notion he’ll be adorning that dress and wig again for David Lynch is just icing on the proverbial cake.

(Source: LA Times)