Ashton Kutcher Made Mila Kunis Sign Up For Tinder And Grindr

Based on reviews so far, Jupiter Ascending, the Wachowski siblings’ $175 million space-opera about janitors and bees and Channing Tatum with wolf ears, is either Phantom Menace-esque” or a “blockbuster that takes no chances narratively, cinematically, or philosophically.” I’m still probably going to see it, though, because I just can’t quit you, C-Tates and Mila Kunis. Kunis was on Kimmel last night, discussing the time, many years ago, when her husband Ashton Kutcher asked her to sign up for Tinder and Grindr. He probably said it was for “research.”

But really, he just wanted to see her reenact Black Swan with a stranger.