Sneak Peek: Derrick Rose adidas adiZero Rose 2 Commercial

Now that you’ve seen the shoe, and the teaser, you knew that the next thing to drop would be the commercial. And our friends over at adidas Basketball have been dropping hints on their Facebook page since last Friday with various screenshots, as well as helping us get to this point. We’ve made it. In this new 60-second spot titled “The Bull,” watch Derrick Rose use his vicious handle to battle the the matador and picadors in the bullring.

Filmed in Madrid in mid-August, the spot opens with Rose released from a gate as “The Bull” to a frenzied crowd in a bullfighting arena. After sizing up the situation, he drives into the bullring in his new signature shoe to blow by and overpower opponents that represent his real on-court rivals.

Created by 180LA, directed by Stacy Wall and featuring music by DJ/producer araabMuzik, the spot features authentic Spanish bullfighters in their traditional costumes.

“The Bull” begins television rotation Oct. 5 during ESPN and Cartoon Network programming, and during NFL broadcasts on CBS, NBC and ESPN.

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