Anatomy Of Detroit Dance Off Between Usher & Fan

The dance cam has certainly inspired some craziness among NBA fans when it shines its glare on them during breaks in the game. The fans often go wild when they see they’re on the Jumbotron, but it doesn’t usually lead to a competition…until now. One usher in Detroit, Shannon Sailes, has become a bit of a local hero for his talented dance steps. But a recent young fan got involved in an amazing dance off with the usher, and the back-and-forth is almost as amazing as the action on the court.

First the kid gets spotted by the cam, and he makes the most of his time in the spotlight.

Then on to the dancing usher.

But wait, the cam is back on the kid, and he doesn’t hesitate to shoot to his feet for some more gyrations.

The usher wants the kid to bring it. The dance off is on!

The kid doesn’t shy away from the competition and busts out some old school moves. Never one to back down from a dance off, the usher does an even more intricate routine.

The NBA really is where the amazing happens.

Full video of the dance off HERE.

[; h/t All Ball]

Who won the dance off?

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