Charles Barkley Seems Pretty Happy To Lose At Beer Pong

The Round Mound of Rebound, Charles Barkley, stopped by the HLN Network recently and was asked about the ping pong balls he had brought with him. It was a canned question, obviously, but it appears Barkley has just discovered the game of Beer Pong, or “Beirut,” for you fickle college students. After Chuck joined HLN’s Lynn Berry for a contest on the ping pong table, he quickly realized, “This game isn’t a fun game because you want the other person to make more baskets than you do apparently.” Oh Chuck.

Barkley admitted he had not played the game when he starred for Auburn in the 80s, telling Berry and the audience with a straight face, “I don’t know why you have to go through all this hard work just do drink a beer.”

Former(?) BFF, Michael Jordan, doesn’t have as many reservations as Chuck when it comes to the popular drinking game, though.

[h/t FTW]

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