Watch Grandpa Rapper’s Attempt To Persuade LeBron Back To Cleveland

The city of Cleveland will not give up on the possibility of LeBron James returning to the Cavaliers. In the past, we’ve seen fans rush the court in Cleveland during a game to plead for LeBron to return, so anything is possible, including a grandpa rapper who wants the King to come home.

I’ve heard better raps. A lot better ones. But you have to admire the effort from Grandpa M, who is decked out in a Cleveland cap and a very noticeable gold chain in the video:

LeBron has a player option for next season and can become a free agent this summer. All signs point to him returning to Miami, but that won’t stop the chatter. Just last week, Charles Barkley chimed in with his thoughts and wants LeBron to return to Cleveland because they have real fans. Grandpa M certainly seems like one of the realest, but I don’t think this video will sway LeBron one way or another.

(H/T BroBible)

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