The Catholic League Is Irate With Kate Upton

I’m running double duty between here and FilmDrunk today, so I apologize if I splash a little movie news over here, but this story involves Kate Upton, the 2011 With Leather Celebrity Sports Fan of the Year, so it’s entirely relevant. In this case, Upton is the target of the ire of the Catholic League’s Bill Donohue, who says that he doesn’t appreciate the way that Upton and other actors portray nuns in the Farrelly brothers’ Three Stooges, which also stars Dwight Howard and makes this doubly relevant.

“In the 1950s, Hollywood generally avoided crude fare and was respectful of religion. Today it specializes in crudity and trashes Christianity, especially Catholicism. Enter the The Three Stooges. This movie is not just another remake: it is a cultural marker of sociological significance, and what it says about the way we’ve changed is not encouraging,” wrote Donohue. “…the TV show never mocked nuns or showed infants urinating in the face of the Stooges. The film does.” (Via EW)

Donohue’s real beef seems to be with comedian Larry David, who also plays a nun in the movie, but I can’t get past the idea that he believes that Upton dressed as a nun is disrespectful to religion. If anything, Upton’s Sister Bernice makes me want to actually convert to Catholicism.

But until that happens, I’m going to create my own church that is dedicated to worshipping Upton. And probably Mila Kunis, too. We’ll be inclusive, like the Ancient Greeks. Those guys knew how to worship in bulk.