Jaguar > Tiger

In this post, you learn that a man in a 90s-themed plush jaguar costume wearing sunglasses and pawprint shorts is better at sports than you. Also, he’s better at golf than most golfers.

At a 2-handicap, Jaxson De Ville (who is seriously named “Jaxson De Ville”) is easily the most complexly athletic anthropomorphic and radical-to-the-max jungle cat in pro sports. As the mascot for the Jacksonville Jaguars he’s done everything from in-stadium bungee jumping to jumping a BMX bike through fireworks, so it shouldn’t be surprising to see him golfing his furry ass off during Players Championship week.

And yet …

As E. Michael Johnson noted in his Golf World Monday piece, [Curtis] Dvorak has been the Jaguars’ mascot (Jaxson De Ville) since 1996, and during Players Championship week, he had the opportunity to caddie the back nine on Wednesday for Jim Furyk.

As the group approached the 17th hole, Dvorak was challenged by Andres Romero’s caddie, Adrian Monteros, to hit the shot to hit the island green in full-on costume. Taking a little less club, Dvorak stood over the ball and laced a perfect 8-iron onto the green, drawing a cheer from the crowd. (via Devil Ball Golf)

Your move, Dinger the Dinosaur.