Kris Jenner Longs For The Good Old Days In The Season 10 Teaser For ‘Keeping Up With The Kardashians’

The new teaser for the upcoming season of E!’s cornerstone series Keeping Up with the Kardashians reveals everything we already know about the First Family of Fake Fame. Kim Kardashian is just doing Kim Kardashian things, while Kourtney and Scott Disick talk about whatever pube-shaving adventures they’re having each week. Khloe shows up and probably makes a few jokes and farts, or whatever she does, and then Bruce Jenner’s like, “I can’t believe I put up with this nonsense!” Meanwhile, Kris Jenner has plans for expanding her family’s absurd entertainment empire, and it all depends on Kendall Jenner’s ability to wear see-through clothing while walking in a straight line.

What’s particularly amazing and baffling about this brief teaser, though, is that it’s for the 10th season of this series. Ten-freaking-seasons of the Kardashians talking about random crap and taking on various locations. At some point you’d think it would fizzle out and fade into irrelevance, but it just gets stronger and stronger. It’s like the Knickelback of scripted “reality” series.