After three episodes, record-breaking ratings, lots of Breaking Bad callbacks, and a few fantastic Easter Eggs (what the hell is SKRIBE?), Better Call Saul is an unmitigated success. But with that success comes controversy, and I speak, of course, of the contentiousness between two minor league baseball teams, the Omaha Storm Chasers and the Albuquerque Isotopes.
If you’ve seen the opening episode, you know — as he promised at the end of Breaking Bad — that Saul Goodman would end up as a manager of a Cinnabon in Omaha. It’s a move the Omaha Storm Chasers appreciated.
#BetterCallSaul @AbqTopes – The perks of Saul's move to #Omaha=Easier to Spell, Fewer Cartels & Championship Baseball
— Omaha Storm Chasers (@OMAStormChasers) February 17, 2015
But the Isotopes are quick with a comeback.
@OMAStormChasers Why do you push Omaha so much? You’re in Papillion….
— Albuquerque Isotopes (@ABQTopes) February 17, 2015
Ooh. Burn. But the Storm Chasers weren’t going to let it go.
.@AbqTopes Even Saul changed his name to get more clients. Don't be salty you lost a ticket holder. #BetterCallSaul
— Omaha Storm Chasers (@OMAStormChasers) February 17, 2015
Then the Isotopes delivered what felt like the knock-out punch.
.@OMAStormChasers Our fan base is just fine. Thanks though. #BreakingBad #BetterCallSaul
— Albuquerque Isotopes (@ABQTopes) February 17, 2015
Whoa! Whoa! Now it’s getting personal.
.@AbqTopes Fun picture. Got any photos from Sept. 9, 2012 when the Storm Chasers celebrated on your field?
— Omaha Storm Chasers (@OMAStormChasers) February 17, 2015
All the Isotopes could muster was another pic with the Breaking Bad cast.
.@OMAStormChasers We only have this photo from 2012 but why are we talking baseball? I thought this was about TV…
— Albuquerque Isotopes (@ABQTopes) February 17, 2015
Verdict: The Omaha Storm Chasers are a better baseball team, but the Isotopes clearly have the inside track on the Breaking Bad universe.
via SB Nation