Thanks to ‘Fifty Shades Of Grey,’ Bondage Porn Searches Are Spiking Like Crazy

When criticizing the box-office behemoth Fifty Shades of Grey, many have lamented, “Can’t people just watch actual porn?” Well, turns out they are.

That’s the porn science from Pornhub, as they’re putting the “anal” in “analytics.” BDSM searches have seen a major increase since the film’s release, as have terms like “submission,” “spank” and “bondage.” Not surprisingly, the majority of individuals performing these searches are women.

It’s no secret that the intended audience of both the novel and subsequent film adaptation of 50 Shades of Grey is women. Touted for a while now as ‘mommy porn,’ it seems that after having experienced the film women are now looking to have a red room experience of their own, at least according to these numbers. In this last chart, the Pornhub statisticians have whipped up this impressive list of which kinky terms women are more likely to search for than men, proving some dominating female tendencies. Following the release of the 50 Shades film, women appear to be more curious about most BDSM terms, searching upwards of 200% more for certain terms in some cases than prior to the release date. Men have been exploring these new waters as well, with increases closer to the range of 20% having been observed with these same terms. Again, action words like ‘submission,’ ‘dominate,’ and ‘spanking’ all skyrocketed by 150-220% by female Pornhub viewers. Suffice it to say, the desire for less vanilla type videos is strong among the ladies – the only thing we can’t say for sure is which side of the paddle they’d prefer to be on.

Pornhub backs up their data with the sexiest images imaginable — graphs and charts. Be still my beating inner goddess.



No data yet on an increase in searches for “butt plug.”

Source: Pornhub