Fans of Emma Watson can calm their nerves and slow their hearts, the Harry Potter actress is most likely not aiming to join the royal family any time soon. We brought word that people were freaking out that Watson was reportedly dating Prince Harry in some sort of secret royal tryst, but now things have changed.
It turns out the rumors were not true, or at least that’s what Watson and the Royals wants everybody to believe. She took to Twitter to address the gossip, throwing a bucket of water on the blaze before it got out of control.
WORLD ♥ Remember that little talk we had about not believing everything written in the media?!
— Emma Watson (@EmmaWatson) February 22, 2015
This would support claims by US Weekly that called the story’s validity into question via their super secret British royal source:
“[It’s] fake,” a pal of the royal tells Us. “It’s such a random story”…
A Palace source adds: “I can see the Internet is going mad for this one.”
At this point, Emma Watson could date a phone book and the Internet would go crazy. It’s a better bet than whatever Oscar pool you’re in for tonight. Until that point, I think we close the book on her dating life for the time being.
(Via MTV News / Emma Watson / US Weekly)