Travis Barker Wishes That Tom Delonge Would Just ‘Man Up’ And Quit Blink-182

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Here we are in 2015 and Blink-182 has probably been popping up in the music news more than I ever would’ve expected. Sure, it has to do with some inner strife amongst the band members, but that doesn’t discount the point that they’re in the news. The short story is that guitarist Tom Delonge has reportedly quit the band, but only if you don’t ask him about it. People seem to be interested for some reason.

The latest salvo in the ongoing battle between the former band mates comes from drummer Travis Barker in an interview with Alternative Nation and it sadly doesn’t feature any alien talk. The bulk of the interview focuses on the actual work behind the band, but it starts by attacking the elephant in the room and Barker’s desire to see Tom Delonge finally own up to quitting the band:

I think this is the third time he’s quit without anyone knowing about it because we didn’t announce the other times. But this is just the last straw. It’s just not cool for the fans. He’d always agree to go on huge tours and record albums, but when it came down to going into the studio, he’d find some excuse not to. And we wouldn’t even hear from him, it would be his management. It comes to a point where you decide you’re not going to force anyone to do anything they don’t want to do and it’s time to move on…

As far as I’m concerned, no bad blood from me. I wish him the best in everything he does. I think the right thing for him to do would just man up and quit the band instead of telling people he didn’t quit and just be real with the fans. I think that would give him some closure too and really do what he’s passionate about. Even amongst all the other projects I do, I can always find a way to prioritize and still be passionate about Blink-182 when it comes around. I love playing, listening, and everything about punk rock. It changed my life. I think for Tom, he doesn’t like punk music and it was a phase for him.

It sorta feels like you can almost hear Barker throwing his hands up in the air as you’re reading this interview. I can’t blame him, especially if this is the third or fourth time this has happened. You’d almost rather have the blood feud compared to whatever limp battle this seems to be.

(Via Alternative Nation)