Only In Florida: Man Stabbed Over Pork Rinds

Being a lifelong resident of Florida, I’ve grown immune to the jokes that my UPROXXian colleagues make at my expense, but I’m also the first to admit that this state will eventually lead to the opening of several portals to hell. That said, today’s top Florida story comes from Ft. Walton Beach, which is located right next to you don’t care.

Apparently a game of dominoes at the Rancho Alegre night club turned ugly when one man learned the lesson of sharing the hard way.

The victim, Edward Hooks, told officers he and a man named “Cowboy” were playing Dominoes in the Rancho Alegre nightclub when the argument began.

They argued over the pork rinds and a missing cell phone, according to the victim and witnesses.

Cowboy, whose real name is Will Moore Traywick and who also answers to Wyatt Earp, broke a beer bottle and stabbed Hooks, according to witness statements. (Via Northwest Florida Daily News)

Cowboy, who, with my luck, is probably related to me, tried to escape, but he was eventually caught by the police in a fast food restaurant bathroom. I’d criticize his mistake, but sometimes you just really need a Doritos taco.

(H/T to Fark.)