Clearly, bearded mountain-climbing knuckleballer R.A. Dickey is as fascinated by Toronto Blue Jays pitcher Daniel Norris’ decision to be a 24/7/365 van guy as the rest of us are. But on Thursday, Dickey did more than shake his head at the rookie’s peculiar domicile choice; he jacked Norris’ ride/home/companion and took it for a joyride on the infield in Dunedin, Fla. where the Blue Jays train.
Stole Daniel norris’ van and drove it on the infield…. Smooth ride but I need some power steering. #vwvansaresweet
— R.A. Dickey (@RADickey43) March 12, 2015
It’s not known if Dickey took Norris’ van home from the Walmart parking lot where Norris usually has it stationed or if the weird cart guy — that every Walmart has — chased after in his own van. Thankfully, Norris seemed to take the theft in stride, tweeting his own picture of Dickey all up inside “Shaggy” the van, sharing Dickey’s joke that he took “Shaggy” to “2nd base”, and sometime later tweeting Jack Johnson lyrics, as you do.
(Source: Twitter)