Jon Cryer Wrote About Charlie Sheen’s History With Vagina Photos And Failed Threesomes

Our long, national Two and a Half Men nightmare is over. Except for every time it’s on FX, or when Jon Cryer picks off Charlie Sheen-shaped scabs that should’ve healed years ago. Duckie wrote a memoir, So That Happened, that covers his entire career, including his getting cast in a Broadway musical in the early 1980s to that episode of Mr. Show he’s in (hopefully).

The Hollywood Reporter has an excerpt from the book that “picks up Cryer’s story during [Two and a Half Men‘s] first season and then moves to the second season, when he was newly divorced and Sheen’s marriage to Denise Richards had broken up, and then moves to the drama of the seventh season.” In other words, the “Charlie Sheen is crazy” chapters.

In addition to the stuff about Sheen leaving Two and a Half Men, there’s talk about prostitutes (obviously), and, uh, photography…

He’d show me a picture he’d taken of somebody’s vagina. It was always a perfectly nice-looking vagina, but I would invariably think, “Why just this, and not the rest of the person?”

… and potential threesomes, with a woman Cryer was dating and Sheen used to…

I tried to gather my train of thought with this new information. “If I may ask, how did you two break up?”

Charlie said, “Well, I wanted to bring another girl into bed with us, and she was not happy about that.” And then he looked me straight in the eye and with no trace of irony, said, “So heads-up on that.” I went home that night and broke up with Stephanie.

… and much, much more. Knowing Charlie Sheen sounds exhausting.

Via the Hollywood Reporter