This time last year, we were still debating the True Detective season 1 finale, 10 days after it aired. Needless to say, season 2 is taking its dear sweet time in getting here, although judging by these set photos, progress is being made (the progress is Colin Farrell’s facial hair). HBO hasn’t released an official plot synopsis, but Movie Pilot claims to have it.
It involves dead bodies, S&M, and RAILWAY SYSTEMS.
The season is due to kick off with the dead body of a corrupt politician being found along the Pacific Coast Highway with satanic symbols carved into his chest. California Highway Patrol officers Colin Farrell and Taylor Kitsch are assigned the case. It turns out the victim is a known associate of Vince Vaughn’s character and this dead man had a dark side involving some associations with S&M clubs – but perhaps most importantly, the man was in the middle of brokering a big deal that would solve the state’s gridlock problem. (Via)
Vaughn’s character is described as a “career criminal” who wants to go legitimate by getting involved with a “high-speed railway system for California,” while Rachel McAdams is a sheriff “who has a different set of ethics” than the corrupt Farrell and recovering Kitsch.
Nowhere in there does it mention Vaughn playing an obnoxious man-child with a generic profession, so sight unseen, it’s already his best role in a decade.
Via Movie Pilot