Al-Farouq Aminu Hosts A Bock Party For Dwight Howard And James Harden

Dwight Howard’s only been back for a few games, so it’s understandable that he hasn’t quite found his rhythm yet. The key for Howard, at least on offense, is just to see the ball go through the net. Unfortunately, it’s pretty hard to do that when Al-Farouq Aminu leaps from the weakside to block his shot. Instead of seeing the ball go through the hoop, Howard gets to see it rocket in the opposite direction.

Aminu, bless his heart, is an equal opportunist. Once more lurking on the weakside, Aminu springs up and swats what looked like a sure two points for James Harden.

The Dallas Mavericks are an oddly constructed team, with every player filling not just a position, but a specific role. Aminu’s role is to bring defense and energy, and he’s done that to perfection tonight.

(Hardwood Paroxysm)