On Its 25th Anniversary, The ‘Twin Peaks’ Cast Came Together To Support David Lynch

April 8 isn’t just Lost Day, it’s also the 25th anniversary of the Twin Peaks pilot, a number that holds special significant to fans of the cult show. Which may or may not be revived by Showtime. Possibly, but probably not, with creator David Lynch. No one really knows what’s going on right now, least of all the people who were on the series. But they’re doing their darndest to ensure that Twin Peaks 2.0 gets made, and that it’s Lynch behind the camera.

Many original cast members, including Sheryl Lee (Laura Palmer), Sherilyn Fenn (Aubrey Horne), and James Marshall (James Hurley), recorded video messages explaining to Showtime that “Twin Peaks without David Lynch is like…” For example: Twin Peaks without David Lynch is like Showtime without a comedy that’s actually an unfunny drama. Now, it’s your turn.