George R.R. Martin Introduces The More Disturbing Side Of ‘Game Of Thrones’ To Kids With ‘Lil Thrones’

Were you aware that Game of Thrones returns this Sunday? If it managed to slip past your radar, fear not. George R.R. Martin and Team Coco are here to remind you via the power of animation.

Lil Thrones is the new animated children’s program that attempts to introduce the younger members of society to the world of Westeros. It’s a brutal, bloody, dickless world where a drunken little person is the most likeable character you’ll meet. There WERE plenty of other likeable personalities, but someone thought it’d be wise to do away with them…

I say kill them all. Bathe in their blood. The show’s going to keep going either way, so have a little fun.

(Via Team Coco)