10 Bill Murray Movies Everybody Should See

Bill Murray has been in a lot of movies. A lot. Eventually, a very important question arises: “If I’m in a situation where I can only see ten movies starring Bill Murray, which ten movies should I choose?” If you ever find yourself in that predicament, well, first we’d have to ask “how in the hell did that happen?” and then we would calm your fears and present you with this list of ten highly excellent motion pictures starring William James “Bill” Murray.

10. Rushmore (1998)

Director Wes Anderson’s second feature (following Bottle Rocket) has Murray at his understated best. A departure from his usual manic characters, he’s still incredibly funny as a cynical millionaire feuding with an ambitious student (Jason Schwartzman).

9. Stripes (1981)

When creating the concept of the film, writer/director Ivan Reitman had originally envisioned “Cheech and Chong Join The Army”. When that didn’t work out, Reitman rewrote the characters to fit Murray and eventual co-star Harold Ramis. This military comedy was also a breakout role for John Candy. Murray and Ramis would also go on to co-star in…

8. Ghostbusters (1984)

The fact that efforts are being made to produce not one but (at least) two new films in this franchise is testament to how great and loved the first film is. While surrounded by a master class of comedic and character actors, Murray’s Venkman still managed to stand out.

7. Scrooged (1988)

Somewhere, someone had the idea “Hey, what if we made a modern version of A Christmas Carol and had Bill Murray star in it?” But, instead of just forgetting the idea and heading off to find a bag of Cheetos, they made it happen.

6. Quick Change (1990)

Often overlooked in Murray’s filmography is also the only movie he directed (albeit alongside Howard Franklin, who also directed, of all things, Antitrust). Murray is a disgruntled New York City cab driver who robs a bank (dressed as a clown), only to find that getting out of the city is nearly impossible. It also gives viewers a chance to see Randy Quaid before (supposedly) he went coocoo for Cocoa-Puffs.

5. What About Bob? (1991)

Another overlooked Murray gem, What About Bob? pairs him with Richard Dreyfus as a ridiculously obsessive compulsive narcissist and his doctor, respectively. Give it another look so you can all start referencing “death therapy” with your friends again.

4. The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (2004)

At this point in his career, Murray had been playing quasi-serious roles and was even nominated for an Oscar (more on that in a minute). So, it was kind of a refreshing change of pace when he teamed up once again with Wes Anderson and made this delightfully weird comedy about a a self-obsessed nature show host and the people he surrounded himself with.

3. Lost In Translation (2003)

As this is the last “serious” Bill Murray on the list, it’s only fitting it’s the one he was nominated for an Oscar for. Murray is a jaded movie star, filming a commercial in Japan, who meets and hangs out with Scarlett Johannson because her husband is ignoring her which we’re not buying for one second. Nice try, movie.

2. Kingpin (1996)

For a while, it seemed like The Farrelly Brothers could do no wrong, releasing hits like Dumb and Dumber and There’s Something About MaryKingpin was another of their flicks around this same time period and it’s some of Murray’s funniest work. As a ruthless, conniving pro bowler, it’s also one of the few times Murray has also played a villain.

1. Groundhog Day (1993)

Who hasn’t wanted the ability to do things over and over and over until they got it just right? Audiences were able to live vicariously through weatherman Phil Conners as he lived the same day over and over and over again until he got things just right. Wow. See how deep that is? And that’s just the tip of the iceberg for this movie. It’s a genuine classic.

Obviously, we’ve left movies off the list like Meatballs, Caddyshack, Where the Buffalo Roam and Garfield. What are some of your favorites?