The Royals Served These Disgusting, Moldy Hot Dogs To Fans On ‘Buck Night’

The following things about hot dogs are fact, not opinion:

1) They are delicious.
2) They belong in my belly.
3) They should not have ketchup on them.
4) They are not sandwiches.

Last Friday, the Kansas City Royals held “Buck Night,” where fans purchased hot dogs for $1. Several fans complained about the quality of said dogs, noting discoloration and mold on some of the buns. Aramark, the company that handles concessions at Kaufman Stadium, said they had a health inspector on site who found nothing wrong with the hot dogs.

Oh, really?

Neal Ross and his son were disgusted when they unwrapped the dollar dogs.

“You just couldn’t eat it,” Ross said.

Ross has been to other Buck Nights, and he says this has never happened before.

They wanted to exchange them for better ones at the tent that sold the discounted hot dogs.

“They kind of told us, ‘well they’re a dollar, so you get what you get,'” Ross said.

Yeah, that’s not a hot dog. That’s a turd sandwich.

[Source: KCTV]