Lil Jon Is Very Concerned About Turtle Sex On ‘Comedy Bang! Bang!’

Lil Jon has been a pop culture institution for nearly two decades now. With that in mind, it’s not too farfetched for him to start thinking about retirement. Honestly, he could probably live comfortably for the rest of his life from sports arenas playing “Turn Down For What” and that bar you want to leave playing “Shots.” So when he stopped by Comedy Bang! Bang! this week, he spoke about his plans of stealing away to a sandy beach and forcing turtles to mate with each other. Totally normal stuff. Your grandparents probably would too if they had the money.

Though the mega producer cares more about our reptilian friends than the average person (in a very strange way), we can’t entirely blame him. That’s what happens when you have more money than you know what to do with. For better or worse, you’re above judgment. Also, he made “Yeah!,” so that’s pretty much the end of discussion.

(Via IFC)