Welcome to the 578,682,357,683th installment of With Leather’s “We Are Absolute, Unapologetic Suckers For Any Video Of U.S. Soldiers Surprising Their Families At Sporting Events” and today’s video clip is a 5-star general of a doozie. During Saturday’s otherwise uneventful, one-sided 35-7 South Carolina Gamecocks win over the Georgia Bulldogs, the wife and two children of Sergeant First Class Scott Faile were brought on to the field to receive a special video message from their hero.
In case you’re afraid to show emotion in front of your co-workers, here’s the breakdown from WLTX:
The family (his wife two children) were brought onto the field as the Columbia Metropolitan Airport MilitaryFamily of the Game. They then saw a videotaped message from Sgt. Faile, explaining how much he loved and appreciated their support. At the end of the message, Faile said how he wished he could be there with them to see the Gamecocks beat up on Georgia.
But that blurb does absolutely zero justice to the actual video, which I command you to watch after the jump. OBEY!
This is right up there with the Fenway Park soldier return, but I’m not about to pick favorites here. What I wonder, though, is at what point a family finally doesn’t fall for this and when the soldier walks onto the field, they’re like, “Oh hey, what’s up. There’s some pizza in the fridge and the car’s been overheating.” That would be kind of fun, right? Oh what do you people know.
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