According To ‘Big Baby Gon’ Turn It Up,’ Big Baby Is Going To Turn It Up

Glen Davis’ new song by Glen Davis.

It takes a special kind of man to record his own ego anthem. Pro wrestler Shawn Michaels did it with ‘Sexy Boy,’ and now Orlando Magic forward Glen “Big Baby” Davis has done it with his Glen Davis-themed club-banger ‘Big Baby Gon’ Turn It Up’.

In the song, Big Baby assures us that Big Baby is gon’ turn it up. Josh Robbins of The Orlando Sentinel has details, including the question I’m sure is going through your head as you listen to Big Baby Gon’ Turn It Up: “are you ever going to make another song, n/n?”

Davis recently recorded a song called “Big Baby Gon’ Turn It Up,” and it’s kind of catchy. It features his voice, with some significant enhancements provided by Auto-Tune.

Davis was asked whether he’s going to release an album. A smile crossed his face.

“No,” he said, still grinning. “I’m a one-hit wonder.”

So, here we are. Furthermore,

[h/t to Ball Don’t Lie]