If you’re afraid of heights, you’re probably going to hate this video. Vitaliy Raskalov and Vadim Makhorov are two photographers who are better known as OnTheRoofs. The duo are known for climbing tall buildings and taking pictures — you may remember the video of the duo climbing the Shanghai Tower last year.
Apparently, the guys wanted a bigger challenge, so they decided to tackle the second-tallest building on earth: the Shenzhen Centre in China. While the structure is still under construction (it will open in 2016) and it will stand at 2,165 feet (or 66o meters, if you prefer the metric system) once completed.
Raskalov and Makhorov sneak onto the site, work their way up before deciding to fall asleep for the night, then make it to the top of the tower the next day. The two decided that the best way to celebrate the occasion was to bust out a selfie stick and take a picture that shows just how high up they are. I mean this in the nicest, most impressed way possible: these dudes are insane.
(Via On The Roofs)