Michael Jackson reached heights in his career that possibly no one will ever top. He was the biggest star on Earth for a very long time in several distinct ways. No one sang like him, no one made music videos like him, no one danced liked him (except for his own hologram and that Baltimore protester), and no one made weird grunting noises like him. So, when a supercut of said grunts isolated and strung together appears on the internet, it’s a must-watch. A hypnotic and oddly erotic must-watch, but still.
Like Owen Wilson before him, MJ got the supercut treatment in this strangely-NSFW sounding clip. Hearing his grunts without music, you almost want to close your eyes and imagine MJ walking over hot coals, or perhaps being the clumsy French waiter from The Simpsons episode “The Boy Who Knew Too Much.” Either way, it’s fascinating, and you’ll probably feel out of breath from just listening to it. Make sure to do a tasteful and respectful crotch grab in honor of the King of Pop as you watch.