The Strokes’ Julian Casablancas Could Fill The Twitter Void Left By Jaden Smith

Twitter hasn’t been the same since Jaden Smith pulled a Barry Sanders and retired at the top of his game all of last week ago. I Miss His Uppercase Thought Farts Already, like “If Everybody In The World Dropped Out Of School We Would Have A Much More Intelligent Society,” “When You Think About It, You Can’t Spell Nazi Without I,” and “You Would Have To Eat 5 Apples Today To Get The Same Nutritional Value As An Apple From 1950” (only one of those isn’t real!).

No one will ever match Jaden’s fortune cookie brilliance, but one musician is coming close.

That “mainstream” take is hot enough to set a room on fire. The brunch-hating Strokes singer needs to tweet more to be the heir to Jaden’s throne, but his stoned philosophy has inspired a fair number of “mind.blown” GIFs. Then again, they’re both the opening band to Cher’s headliner.

Really makes you think.