Coldplay, the single tear in a teacup of bands, has confirmed that they’re working on a new album, A Head Full of Dreams, a follow-up to the respectfully reviewed Ghost Stories. It ends their streak of releasing a new record once every three years (2002’s A Rush of Blood to the Head, 2005’s X&Y, 2008’s Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends and This Is a Pretentiously Long Title, etc.), but the guys in the group have loads more spare time, now that Martin is free from the SHACKLES of dating Jennifer Lawrence and drummer Will Champion has killed Robb Stark.
Yup, that’s Champion in the famous “Red Wedding” scene from Game of Thrones at the 0:23 seconds mark. Clearly, he now has a thirst for evil, because Reddit, via Stereogum, found a tweet from ASCAP announcing song titles for their new album.
These are more likely than not working titles, like how The Dark Knight was called Rory’s First Kiss when it was being filmed in Chicago. Or, and hear me out, Coldplay is working on a Harry Potter and Game of Thrones concept album produced by Filch/Walder Frey (played by the same actor), who ends up consciously uncoupling Chris Martin’s head from his body.
Hey, it happened to his ex-wife…
(Via Stereogum)