Things Are Getting Really Ugly Between Ronda Rousey And Bethe Correia

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UFC Champion and undefeated destroyer of arms, “Rowdy” Ronda Rousey, has responded to her upcoming opponent Bethe “Pitbull” Correia’s shockingly insensitive comments from Wednesday. Correia, drawing on the fact that Ronda’s father committed suicide after a sledding accident left him paralyzed and in unbearable pain when Rousey was a young child, said that she hopes Ronda doesn’t kill herself after Correia defeats her at UFC 190 in August.

As it was mentioned in the Yahoo! article about Bethe’s comments:

Rousey talks about the incident in her book and admits that “none of us were the same after that.”

Ronda is a scary fighter when she has no animosity towards an opponent, and she completely destroyed Miesha Tate’s arm, who she dislikes. It might not be outside the realm of possibility that Rousey literally takes on of Correia’s arms home with her after she has pissed her off to this degree already.

UPDATE: Correia has apologized to Rousey.

There’s a chance Correia was genuinely unaware, but her previous bouts of trash talk referenced things Ronda’s written about in her book, so that’s hard to pin down. It could be an actual act of contrition, or someone got in Correia’s ear and told the “Pitbull” to back off a little bit. We’ll ultimately see how this plays out on August 1 in Brazil at UFC 190.