Now You Can Play All The Music That The Flame-Throwing Guitarist Shredded In ‘Mad Max: Fury Road’

Your guitar probably doesn’t have flames shooting out of it (I do not know, though, because I don’t know your life), but you can imagine it does when you play everything the guy with the fire-breathing guitar did in Mad Max: Fury Road.

Noisey reports that Corey Richardson, a “very helpful internet person with too much time on his hands,” has put together the sheet music that Doof Warrior (that’s the guitar guy’s name in the film) blasted through the movie, synced that up to video, and then uploaded it all for your amusement and edification. Noisey may be right about Corey Richardson having too much time on his hands,  but thanks to him, Doof Warrior’s music will live on forever in the fingers of fans everywhere. Just please don’t set your guitars on fire.

(Via Sound Slice)