This Cavaliers Fan Inked This ‘2015 NBA Champs’ Tattoo To His Leg

Oh, great. Just when we were getting set to root for an epic NBA Finals pitting LeBron James (the decade’s best player) versus Steph Curry (possibly the next decade’s best player), someone had to go jinx it. His name is Lonnynell Coleman, and he believes the Cavs will win the 2015 Larry O’Brien trophy.

“I was like ‘Look, if the Cavs get to the finals, I’m getting a tattoo before, before they win and it’s gonna happen. They say we’re cursed? I’m gonna reverse it,” said Coleman.

If the Cavs don’t win, then he’s got the equivalent of an 19-0 Patriots tattoo.

It must be a special kind of torture to be an Ohio sports fan. The desperation here is oh so real, as believers will do damn near anything to will a magical future. Not only are the Warriors heavy favorites in the Finals, but none of Golden State’s fans have gone and jumped the shark yet. As everyone knows, superstition is an X-factor that could go either team’s way and shouldn’t be tampered with under any circumstances.

But it’s too late because Lonnynell just placed Cleveland’s end goal that much further out of reach. Good job, guy.

(Via 19 Action News and BroBible)