The powerful wave of change bolstering women and men who have suffered from sexual assault has opened up old wounds for some. Old wounds that they are now making public. Eliza Dushku recently came forward to discuss an alleged incident that she suffered while working on True Lies when she was only 12 years old. According to Dushku, Hollywood stunt coordinator Joel Kramer.
Kramer allegedly called Dushku “jailbait” and cornered her in his hotel room, where he “rubbed all over” while he was in the nude. When Dushku told an adult female friend, she was injured in a “stunt” gone wrong the next day.
Now, at a Television Critics Association panel, James Cameron was asked about her allegations and if he knew about it happening on his set.
“Directors are historically pretty oblivious to the interpersonal things that are happening on their set. I’m probably one of the worst offenders of that—being focused on what I’m doing creatively. Had I known about it, there would have been no mercy. Now especially that I have daughters, there’d really be no mercy now.”
Cameron’s sentiment is appreciated, if only for the fact that there would be “no mercy” before he had daughters.
“Obviously, Eliza is very brave for speaking up. I think all the women are who are speaking up and calling for a reckoning now. I think this has been endemic throughout human systems, not just Hollywood. Because Hollywood deals with — women who were victims 10, 15, 20 years ago are famous today so they get to have a louder voice when they come forward so bravo for them for doing it. And I’m glad Eliza did it.”
When asked about the Time’s Up and #MeToo movements, and if this was a reckoning for Hollywood, Cameron called it a “great moment in history [which is] unfortunately is founded on personal tragedy for so many of these women. But it’s a great moment,” he said. “This is not a reckoning for Hollywood, it’s not just a reckoning for America, it’s a reckoning for the human race.”
(Via Vanity Fair)