Melania Trump Is Reportedly Unable To Participate In G20 Spouse-Events Due To Ongoing Protests

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The G20 Summit in Hamburg has already been rocked by protests, both peaceful and less-so. And while Fox News’ Shep Smith is urging everyone to calm down, the summit’s second day saw more protests that have gone so far as to trap First Lady Melania Trump in her hotel.

President Trump and his team did not move fast enough while booking its travel and lost out on luxury accommodations in Hamburg. Yet Melania Trump is staying at a hotel in Hamburg, according to multiple sources, and so far, the protests have forced her to cancel several spouse-events that were scheduled — including a tour of a climate change center in the city as well as a river cruise with Joachim Sauer, the husband of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Ivanka Trump, and other G20 leaders’ spouses — after the Hamburg police refused to give clearance for her to leave, according to her spokesperson Stephanie Grisham. “It’s unfortunate,” Grisham said.

According to The Independent, President Trump only made it to the summit on time by driving through the city with a high-speed police escort.

Cooped up inside, the First Lady took a cue from her husband’s playbook by going on Twitter.

Mrs. Trump was not the only high-profile person connected to the summit delayed by the protests. Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull tweeted a photo of himself with Indonesian president Joko Widodo while saying the two were under “security lockdown.”

At least 15 Hamburg police officers and 76 civilians have been injured so far in the protests, but those numbers will likely go up as protestors clash with law enforcement for a second day in a row.

(via NBC News & CNN & The Independent)