Protestors Across The Globe Participate In The ‘March For Truth’ Rallies That Are Taking Aim At Donald Trump

On Saturday, a reported 150 cities are expected to take part in a March For Truth, demonstrations focused on forcing an independent investigation of President Donald Trump and the alleged ties between Russia, his campaign, and his associates. Rallies are scheduled in major U.S. cities, including New York, Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, Boston and San Francisco, as well as cities around the world like London, Brussels, and Munich.

The March For Truth website says the objective of the protest efforts is to “let our elected leaders know that Americans want answers,” adding that “the legitimacy of our democracy is more important than the interests of any party, or any president.” The paramount goal of the protestors is to achieve the forcing of an independent commission established for the Russia investigations so that citizens of America can rest easy knowing that the results, whatever they may be, are fair and untainted. The marches are also pushing for Congress to force the release of the president’s tax return, a topic he has dodged throughout his campaign.

Further detailed on the “March For Truth” website under “why are we marching?” is an explanation as to what Saturday’s events are all about:

“Every day we learn more about the role Russian state-led hacking and information warfare played in the 2016 election, and there are crucial unanswered questions about the relationship between the Russian state and Donald Trump, his associates and his campaign. The legitimacy of the United States government hinges on the answers to these questions. If the President was elected even in part due to collusion with a foreign effort to interfere in our democratic process, then the will of the people has been subverted.”

As the crowds started to form across the globe, images of the protests made their way to social media:

(Via Fox News)