LeBron James And Stephen Curry’s Game 5 Blew Twitter Minds On Sunday Night

lebron james stephen curry
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Game 5 of the NBA Finals on Sunday night may not have finished as a close game, thanks to the Cavaliers wearing down in the fourth quarter like they have all series, but it was close most of the way thanks to LeBron James continuing to do absurd things (just another 40-point triple-double, no big) while playing dangerous amounts of minutes. Of course, once Stephen Curry goes Super Saiyan, there’s not much anyone can do.

If this all seems like breathless hyperbole, well, it is. But we’re not alone. Around the NBA, players were watching and they were similarly blown away. Observe:

And it wasn’t just basketball players left in awe of the two megastars’ insane performances. NFL players watching the show couldn’t help but tweet about it (with some armchair criticism sprinkled in):


The Warriors will now try to finish this incomparably weird series in Cleveland on Tuesday for Game 6. Without Game of Thrones to distract people, even more eyes should be on the NBA Finals.