Allen Iverson Won’t Play In The “Battle Of I-95”

How much would you play to see Allen Iverson play up close? Iverson has been out of the limelight for so long now that it would feel weird seeing him match up with guys like Chris Paul and Kevin Durant. Turns out we probably won’t have to worry about that. While it was initially reported that Iverson may take the court in Philadelphia for a homecoming of sorts for a game between Baltimore and Philly this weekend, his longtime manager, Gary Moore, said his man wouldn’t be playing in the Battle of I-95 … Yesterday in the office, people were arguing all over the place: What exactly does the Answer have left? Were his final NBA moments merely situational, or is he really done? The consensus seemed to be he could still play a little, and average around 10 and five. The one problem though is no one is quite sure if he would accept being a bench player. At this point, there’s just no way he’s starting for teams … We hope even LeBron can laugh at this clip because we definitely did … Best friends Kendrick Perkins and Rajon Rondo are back playing together again. All is right in the world. ‘Perk doesn’t need to make fun of Russell Westbrook anymore and Rondo can wake up out of that three month coma he was in at the end of last season. The boys are back. Next Friday, the two, along with Nate Robinson and Marquis Daniels, will ball as teammates in the Southern Hospitality Showcase Atlanta 2011. Okay, so it’s not the NBA Playoffs, but at least, they are back for one game together. Other pros include John Wall, Jason Terry, Stephen Jackson, Josh Howard, Al Harrington, J.J. Hickson, Josh Selby, and Trey Thompkins and the game will be played at Morehouse College. Our question though is does Perkins know how to play in a celebrity game? We’re talking no illegal screens, no hard fouls, hell, he shouldn’t really even be scowling. It’s supposed to be a happy day … Speaking of Rondo, how insane was this box score he had? One basket and 19 rebounds? … We as basketball fans always go crazy over uniforms and logos. We have to. We watch too many games. But we’ve always wondered how much the players really care? For instance, did anyone who wore those once-in-a-lifetime terrible Maryland unis realize how bad they were? At least according to this video, football players at Ohio DESPERATELY care about their uniforms … Marcus Camby was arrested yesterday after being found with less than two ounces of pot in his car. The real deal though is Camby’s mugshot. The lockout doesn’t look like it’s been very kind to him … We told y’all about Andray Blatche‘s newfound obsession with this weird thing called “leadership”. But after having hardly anyone show up for team workouts, Blatche has gone another route: merchandise. The Wizards power forward created a t-shirt that should get the troops fired up. Hopefully. Blatche takes a lot of heat, but give him credit for trying to take the next step this summer. In terms of his talent, he can play with anybody. It’s just a matter of how serious he wants to take this game … Portland extended their $8.8 million qualifying offer to Greg Oden earlier and it’s expected that he will eventually sign it. It’s the smartest move to make: get a decent contract this year, do your best to stay healthy and hope to cash in one year later. Even if Oden were to stay healthy all year, would you offer him a big deal? You know there will be owners willing to throw $30-50 mill at him if he does … And a few more players announced overseas deals. Josh McRoberts will sign a one-year deal with the Serbian team, Partizan Belgrade, and Austin Daye is on his way to Russia while Benetton Treviso has inked Brian Scalabrine … We’re out like AI.

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