Video: Andray Blatche Turns Tyler Hansbrough In A Circle Before Layup

Towards the end of a first quarter the Nets would just assume forget (Toronto outscored them 30-19), Andray Blatche showed off his nimble footwork and deft touch with the rock. After catching the ball on the left elbow, Blatche bamboozles Tyler Hansbrough so effectively with a right-to-left crossover, Psycho T spins all the way around before he realizes Blatche has him shook.

Dray appeared almost surprised by how badly he iced Hansbrough, hesitating a split-second before taking it to the rack for the layup.

Blatche will probably opt out of his deal this summer to re-sign with Brooklyn (his preference) or head elsewhere (something he’ll have to do if he’s offered significantly more money).

(The Brooklyn Game)

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