Austin Rivers has taken a lot of heat over the years for being the son of a famous NBA coach, and it didn’t help matters any when said coach signed his son to play for his team. But give both Rivers credit where credit is due: Austin has worked his tail off to become a productive rotation player for the Clippers, and Doc hasn’t allowed him to take any shortcuts along the way.
He’s obviously learned a great deal from his pop, who was also long-time NBA vet before becoming a coach. You might even argue that Austin has unfortunately picked up some of his dad’s less attractive habits. It’s no secret that Doc and the rest of his squad absolutely love arguing with the officials. They do it every chance they get, which is after every whistle that doesn’t go their way. And back in December, both father and son got kicked out of a game within moments of each other in what might’ve been the first-ever father-son ejection.
They were back it again on Wednesday night, arguing with the refs, and in a perfectly eerie moment of synchronicity, they were the spitting image of one another as the they each in unison threw their hands up at a call and walked away in a huff.
genetics are a trip man #NBA pic.twitter.com/voFUI8timr
— Michael Swander (@MichaelSwander) March 2, 2017
It’s kind of mesmerizing to watch just how closely their body language and mannerisms mirrored each other. It’s almost as if they’re related or something.