Today, Dime is happy to announce our newest initiative: The Cover. Starting with our first piece, “Austin Rivers Will Make You Respect Him,” The Cover stems from our desire to produce more magazine-caliber content, just like the old days when Dime would hit our readers’ mailboxes once a month.
To kick things off, we decided to start with a feature on Los Angeles Clippers guard Austin Rivers. Written by associate editor Bill DiFilippo, we wanted to do a deep dive into Rivers the person — the one who has seemingly been on the receiving end of endless criticism for his hoops career. The one who Duke assistant coach Jeff Capel calls “one of the hardest workers that I’ve ever been around.” The one who, in recent years, launched his own charity and works with underprivileged children.
Of course, at the forefront of all things Rivers is his NBA career and how he’s in a constant battle to prove those who believe he isn’t where he is today on his own merits wrong.
“If people are gonna continue to be rough,” Rivers tells us in the story, “if people don’t want me to be confident in myself and believe that I’m a great player, then I’m sorry, you’re just gonna continue to hate me. I’m never gonna stop believing in myself.”
You can check out the story right here, and what would something called “The Cover” be without a magazine-style cover? Peep what that looks like below: