Best of NBA Instagram: Kevin Durant, Chris Paul & Jeff Green At Jay-Z & Justin Timberlake Show

The Fortune 500 emcee from Brooklyn’s Marcy Projects, Jay-Z — with opening act Justin Timberlake — rocked Fenway Park in Boston last night, and a few NBA players from different teams took in the show together. The Celtics’ Jeff Green, his former Thunder teammate Kevin Durant, and Clippers point God Chris Paul all got together at the sold out show, and Instagram has the pics.

IG user blackassassin10 posted a pic with Green, KD and CP3 at the show with the caption reading, “I suppose to be locked to, if u escaped, like i escaped, u b n Boston getting f*cked up to… @cldtoon @konjames10 @unclejg8 @daflu22 @cp3 @easymoneysniper [sic erat scriptum]”


We’re sure everyone was responsible while getting “f*cked up” during the show, but it is the NBA’s off-season and there aren’t many better ways to unwind before next season starts. We’re just imagining HOVA performing “22 Two’s” and Durant drops 22 buckets on Paul’s Clippers next season to commemorate the performance.

Green even got a shot with Timberlake backstage.


[via Red’s Army]

Do you think any of these guys has heard of Reasonable Doubt?

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