Charles Barkley Was Stumped Yet Again On Another Edition Of ‘Who He Play For?’

Even for people in sports media, it’s hard to keep track of all the transactions that happen in an NBA offseason. This summer in particular saw a tsunami of player movement this offseason, with superstars changing teams in droves. And it wasn’t just star players. The second and third-tier players always make up the bulk of shuffling, which makes things even more complicated.

So you’d be forgiven, for example, if you can’t remember where someone like Solomon Hill ended up this season. We’re just a couple of weeks into the 2019-2020 campaign, and though a lot of basketball has been played, we can’t be expected to keep tabs on the nearly 400-odd players around the league and their new destinations.

But if you’re Charles Barkley, you can hardly be bothered to keep track at all. That’s why the Inside the NBA crew’s annual game of “Who He Play For?” is such a treat. Historically, Barkley has never fared very well at this contest, and Thursday night was no exception, as he put up a giant goose egg.