James Harden Gets Coach Pop’s Vote For MVP Of Unmanageable Facial Hair

If thinking about the horrifying amount of food particles that have gone missing into the dark recesses of the Amazonian under-story blossoming from James Harden‘s face makes you squeamish, then you’re not alone.

After living in Portland for the past decade – a city that just last fall hosted The World Beard and Moustache Championships and whose denizens’ facial hair grooming philosophy has moved progressively toward the radical end of the Dream-of-the-1890s spectrum – it’s hard to be amused by Harden’s wily shrubbery.

Coach Gregg Popovich, who’s periodically been offering up his own mustache rides to the masses this season, obviously feels differently on the subject as he and Harden exchanged what appeared to be questionable grooming tips during the opening moments of the Rockets-Spurs game Wednesday.

All things considered, Harden might very well be the MVP this season, and it’s hard to imagine anyone overtaking his throne as the crown prince of suspect facial hair decisions.

(vine via James Herbert)