D-Wade, LeBron & Spoelstra React To Odd Questions Following Game 3

It seems a former FBI-trained hostage negotiator, Bobby Ramos — who operates his Bottom Line!!! website, was granted a press pass for Game 3 last night. In the post-game press conference, Ramos asked a pair of challengingly verbose questions that left LeBron James, Dwyane Wade and coach Erik Spoelstra scratching their heads. Come watch the befuddlement.

By way of Pro Basketball Talk, comes Ramos’ peculiar question for Spoelstra (which was a rhetorical slog-fest):

Ramos: “Bobby Ramos, Bottomline!!!. Coach, you gave San Antonio the credit, and you mentioned a couple times that you’re in the Finals. How does a team in their fourth Finals come out in the Finals, their first home game, and get beat to the ball, to get stomped the way they did. The kind of heart that your championship team has, to come out tonight like they did mentally has to be something that’s a problem.”

Spoelstra: “Clearly.”

Ramos wasn’t done. The next target of his “Bottom Line!!!” wrath, concerned the Heat’s Wade and James:

Ramos: “Bobby Ramos, Bottomline!!!. This is for both of you. You have a great defense. They’re averaging 104 points a game. You have a lot of offense. You haven’t broke a hundred yet. Is the problem your lackluster defense, or is it the problems you’re having offensively? Lackluster offense.”

LeBron: [Turns towards Wade with a smile on his face after the two huddle together]

Wade: “Uh, the problem is we’re down two games to one. That’s the problem. We’ve got to figure out how to tie it up.”

As Dan Feldman at PBT points out, Ramos’ eponymous website for Bottom Line!!, BobbyRamos.com, has crashed after the influx of eyeballs following his brief flirtation with fame during the post-game press conference.

Feldman shared a cached version of the site, including a bio, which designates Ramos as a “certified Connecticut police instructor, FBI trained Hostage Negotiator, Field Training officer, along with heading the DARE/Community Affairs Office in his exemplary 25 years of service as a police officer.”

Here’s a screenshot of Ramos, dressed better than any former cop we’ve ever met, except possibly former correction’s officer, Rick Ross:

If you’ve ever been questioned by the cops, particularly in Connecticut, Ramos’ convoluted inquiries following the game shouldn’t be a surprise. The police, God bless ’em, aren’t to blame for Ramos’ odd line of questioning, though, Ramos is.

Wade and LeBron’s full post-game press conference — by way of the Miami Herald — gives us an example of the stark contrast between Ramos’ questions and those from other media outlets:

(Videos via @cjzero & YouTube user mij305; H/T Pro Basketball Talk)

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