Lil B Offered To Remove The Curse After James Harden’s Latest Playoff Loss

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Even Lil B is feeling sorry for James Harden these days. The originator of the Based God Curse himself offered to make things right with Harden after the Houston Rockets were embarrassed at home against the San Antonio Spurs in Thursday’s Game 6.

After Houston was blown out, 114-75, by San Antonio, Lil B tweeted about his infamous curse of James Harden.

The curse, if you’re unaware, was put on Harden for stealing Lil B’s signature cooking dance move. The Based God’s curse was made public about seven years ago now, and even the New York Times has covered its effect. Lil B even warned Harden again about using the dance last month.

What makes the curse so interesting — and probably made Lil B reach out in the first place — was how shocking Harden’s Game 6 performance was. He scored just 10 points and the Rockets completely fell apart against a team that was missing its best player. Gregg Poppovich decided to sit Kawhi Leonard, and the Spurs won handily anyway.

There must have been something … higher involved for an MVP candidate to perform that poorly in a must-win game. Fans of “the curse” also think it played a role in the Oklahoma City Thunder blowing a 3-1 lead to the Warriors in last year’s Western Conference Final, as Kevin Durant was also cursed by Lil B.

That curse was “lifted” when Durant joined the Warriors later that summer, however, so maybe there’s hope for Harden yet.