In a league filled with eccentric fashion icons, Jimmy Goldstein stands tall. Goldstein is a real estate investor who has a love for high fashion and basketball. Jack Nicholson wears the Laker super fan crown, but Goldstein is a gem in his own right. His leather hat, long white hair and snakeskin pants have become a courtside fixture at Laker and Clippers games over the last decade. But now, Goldstein is giving the world more than his eclectic fashion taste; he’s giving his house.
Goldstein lives in a modern home featured in the 1998 classic The Big Lebowski. In the film, the house belongs to sleazy loan shark Jackie Treehorn and he shoots a memorable scene in the living room of Goldstein’s home. The home is an architectural marvel, which is why Goldstein is donating it to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Goldstein wants the home to stand as an inspiration for young architects.
“I want the house to be an educational tool for young architects, and I want to inspire good architecture for Los Angeles,” said Goldstein, a wealthy real estate investor who has been a reliable courtside presence at Lakers and Clippers games for decades, typically wearing outfits by Galliano or Versace, his long white hair tucked under a snakeskin hat of his own design.
Goldstein will still be living in the home, but the museum will hold small exhibitions and tours. Jackie Treehorn’s living room is now open to the world, and you might even see the NBA’s most uniquely-clad fan walking around in only some technicolored skivvies.
(LA Times)