Kevin Durant Abuses Darrell Arthur With Yo-Yo Crossover

The Thunder took down the Nuggets last night, 117-96, despite 2014 MVP (we’re giving it to him early, sorry), Kevin Durant, shooting just 1-for-7 from beyond the arc. Regardless of his struggles form deep, he was 9-of-14 everywhere else for 27 points, eight dimes and two steals. But it was his annihilation of Darrell Arthur that made our jaw drop as he crossed him up twice before driving for the and-1 bucket off the glass.

Yo-yo dribble, bonkers head fakes, and the light touch after driving hard with his off-hand: Durantula is at the height of his powers right now and Arthur was just the unlucky defender in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Cold-blooded KD is the best KD…

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